Saturday, November 28, 2009

Heartbreaks : Parting Time

Parting Time

It is so painful to a relationship to end up especially if you had already plans in life. The most difficult part is how the broken heart heals if along the way you still think about the times that both of you shared through thick and thin. Sometimes you need to decide for the betterment of both of you. Everything heals but the only one could answer when is through time. The common question about parting time is how it happened. There are lots of possibilities and mostly it is about incompatibility issue. You have different plans and point of views in life. Good chemistry is one of the important things that both of you need as well.

The secret ingredient in a relationship is management on how your relationship grows. Sometimes you have plans that do not align on how to keep quality time with your partner. There will come a time that both of you find into a situation that you both looking for something that is lacking in a relationship. You want to save the relationship but really seems will not work.

If you cannot save the relationship anymore the good thing to know is how to mend the broken heart. Do you need to forget the good times you both shared? Certainly you will not forget those things since it became part of your life. We always grow to become stronger and that is the purpose of our existence on earth. We need to learn for all the experiences that we had in life. Experience is the best teacher and sometimes it becomes so painful and hard to move on after a failed relationship. When we are young we have heard about failed relationship but we really cannot understand it yet until we actually experienced it.

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