Sunday, January 24, 2010

Highlights on Earthquake in Haiti

image source: Logan Abassi / The United Nations United Nations Development Programme

HAITIAN Crisis and Highlights

We cannot predict when would be the act of god happens. There were many speculations why Haiti has been struck by the devastating earthquake. We heard many stories about pain, grief, sorrow, and heroisms. I believe everything has its purpose. No one could be blamed from what happened but perhaps we need to take a look and investigate the building structures and standards implemented in Haiti. Intensity 7 is really considered destructive and what we could do is to enhance the structure of the buildings to prevent further damage in the future. That's the only thing that we could do but for some countries like Haiti having that kind of building structures would take a lot of work and financial support. If this cannot be implemented we must accept the fact that we need to move on and be always ready for the possible strike of quake in the future. The present issue is how to help them build their life again.

Haiti is considerably the poorest country in Western Hemisphere. The death toll has climbed to 200,000. There are lots of stories about survival and those who were unfortunate. Report said that there was a Haitian woman survived after 10 days in rubble.

A Filipino named Jerome Yap was one of the unlucky UN workers who just spent less than 48 hours in Haiti when the earthquake strikes. He spent Christmas and New Year with his family in Philippines. His relatives and friends are still in the state of shock on what happened.

Dan Woolley, a Colorado Spring resident saved his life by using his mobile phone application to treat his wounds. Woolley was in Haiti filming a documentary about poverty when the killer earthquake strikes. He used his phone to locate his broken foot and how to prevent the excessive bleeding of his cuts and wounds. He acted like a first-aider to treat himself.

There were many series of aftershock experienced after the magnitude 7 on 12th January 2010 within the Haiti region. It has been estimated that around 3 million people were affected after rocking the Port-au-Prince region. Experts say that we need to watch out for the possible tsunami.

I also got one report that the group of Scientologists are in Haiti to help the survivors. John Travolta had arranged the plane and taken some volunteer ministers, supplies, and medics.Good job John!

For every crisis there are stories of survival, bravery, camaraderie, and heroism and lots of these are too many to write in one post. Not to mention that for the times like this there are some people who take advantage of the situation. According to reports scammers who are receiving donations and penetrating in relief goods operation can also be found here. If you are about to give or to donate something in cash or in kind make sure that the organization is legit and check their records and backgrounds.

As said, there are many speculations about why Haiti had been devastated by the earthquake and the root of poverty on the said country. One of the speculations is that during the French time they made a pact with the devil. For more details please take a look of the video below:

"And you know, Kristi, something happened a long time ago in Haiti, and people might not want to talk about it. They were under the heel of the French, you know, Napoleon the Third and whatever, and they got together and swore a pact to the devil. They said, 'We will serve you if you'll get us free from the French.' True story. And so the devil said, 'O.K., it's a deal.' "

Read more:,28804,1953379_1953494_1953674,00.html#ixzz0daNTyGHp

I have no comment about this, it's up to you if you believe or not.

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