Sunday, January 24, 2010

Highlights on Earthquake in Haiti

image source: Logan Abassi / The United Nations United Nations Development Programme

HAITIAN Crisis and Highlights

We cannot predict when would be the act of god happens. There were many speculations why Haiti has been struck by the devastating earthquake. We heard many stories about pain, grief, sorrow, and heroisms. I believe everything has its purpose. No one could be blamed from what happened but perhaps we need to take a look and investigate the building structures and standards implemented in Haiti. Intensity 7 is really considered destructive and what we could do is to enhance the structure of the buildings to prevent further damage in the future. That's the only thing that we could do but for some countries like Haiti having that kind of building structures would take a lot of work and financial support. If this cannot be implemented we must accept the fact that we need to move on and be always ready for the possible strike of quake in the future. The present issue is how to help them build their life again.

Haiti is considerably the poorest country in Western Hemisphere. The death toll has climbed to 200,000. There are lots of stories about survival and those who were unfortunate. Report said that there was a Haitian woman survived after 10 days in rubble.

A Filipino named Jerome Yap was one of the unlucky UN workers who just spent less than 48 hours in Haiti when the earthquake strikes. He spent Christmas and New Year with his family in Philippines. His relatives and friends are still in the state of shock on what happened.

Dan Woolley, a Colorado Spring resident saved his life by using his mobile phone application to treat his wounds. Woolley was in Haiti filming a documentary about poverty when the killer earthquake strikes. He used his phone to locate his broken foot and how to prevent the excessive bleeding of his cuts and wounds. He acted like a first-aider to treat himself.

There were many series of aftershock experienced after the magnitude 7 on 12th January 2010 within the Haiti region. It has been estimated that around 3 million people were affected after rocking the Port-au-Prince region. Experts say that we need to watch out for the possible tsunami.

I also got one report that the group of Scientologists are in Haiti to help the survivors. John Travolta had arranged the plane and taken some volunteer ministers, supplies, and medics.Good job John!

For every crisis there are stories of survival, bravery, camaraderie, and heroism and lots of these are too many to write in one post. Not to mention that for the times like this there are some people who take advantage of the situation. According to reports scammers who are receiving donations and penetrating in relief goods operation can also be found here. If you are about to give or to donate something in cash or in kind make sure that the organization is legit and check their records and backgrounds.

As said, there are many speculations about why Haiti had been devastated by the earthquake and the root of poverty on the said country. One of the speculations is that during the French time they made a pact with the devil. For more details please take a look of the video below:

"And you know, Kristi, something happened a long time ago in Haiti, and people might not want to talk about it. They were under the heel of the French, you know, Napoleon the Third and whatever, and they got together and swore a pact to the devil. They said, 'We will serve you if you'll get us free from the French.' True story. And so the devil said, 'O.K., it's a deal.' "

Read more:,28804,1953379_1953494_1953674,00.html#ixzz0daNTyGHp

I have no comment about this, it's up to you if you believe or not.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Failures are the Main Component for Success

Have you heard about a saying like, “There’s a light after darkness”? In analogy with such saying if there are words referring to failure certainly there are words referring to success. The question is can you consider yourself successful if someone has already given it to you? If it is already given the compliments will not be addressed to you since you had done no effort to achieve something. In other words, success is the result of many struggles and trials!

Consider an example for dummies below:

A young boy is sitting in front of the table with an apple on top given by his mother.

Can you say that the boy has acquired the apple? Of course yes! Can you say that he was successful to produce that apple on top of the table? Nope! His mother did it.

Can you say that his mother was successful in getting that apple from the market and put on top of the table for his son? Absolutely yes! In addition to this story, his mother had broken her promise many times before she managed to fulfill it. Well, I will not elaborate further why she failed many times.

The said situation above is just a very shallow illustration of failure and success but I would consider as one of the practical exemplars.

I have written this article but it does not necessarily mean that I have already achieved my main goal in life. I am still struggling and as I go on I have realized some points that really affect my objectives. Bear in mind that everybody is still pursuing our own goals while we are still alive. Even those who seemed had reached the peak of their career it does not end there. Once you have already reached the top it does not mean that you will not fail anymore.

The hardest thing in life is how you maintain your success. It would be possible that you are successful in financial aspects but have you considered your personal happiness? Are you happy with your life in general? In other perspectives perhaps we could say that we have achieved something but on the other hand you might be forgotten other things in your life. Financially successful is useless if you do not have a happy family. There are individuals that could be considered financially victorious but have broken relationship and turned out to be defeated with regards to marriage life. Let us say for example, their children are drug dependents and the eldest had committed suicide. Our goal is goals and cannot be only one target. Do not just focus in one goal, try to balance and interrelates our short-time goals to our main goal.

I have watched the movie entitled I am Sam. He is an autistic father to his daughter. As she reaches seven years old the social welfare has made a request to federal court for waiving Sam’s rights of custody. Based on IQ analysis on Sam he has a mind of a seven year-old child. At seven she will be smarter than him. There are worries that he cannot fulfill his obligation being a good father. In the middle of the story I was touched by the successful lady lawyer who provided a pro bono for the case to defend Sam. Sam may not be financially successful neither career champ because of his mental retardation but the emotional part to me was about the relationship of his legal counsel to her own family. Despite of having a good job as a lawyer she has never been successful to fulfill her obligation to her husband and to her son. She has always no quality time with her own family. She was actually envied to the good relationship of Sam with his daughter. That’s the main reason why she pursued the case about the custody.

There are lots of possible causes of our failure depending on what we want to achieve. Here are some common mistakes and reasons why we always get failed:

1. Misjudgment – Before we proceed with our plan we have miscalculated the risks.

2. Unfocused – There are factors that affect our objective. It diverts our attention which is not aligned to what we want to reach. This is a common issue while we are struggling to reach the top.

3. Impulsiveness – Sometimes we want to achieve something without thinking that could lead us to a very difficult situation. Careful analysis must take place before making any decisions.

4. Wrong direction – You thought that it was right but you are wrong.

5. Unorganized – The ladder to your success has hiccups. Avoid those unnecessary things which cannot contribute to your main goal to be achieved. This is about mismanagement issue.

6. Wrong priorities -- Do not take by any chances what we want at the moment in exchange on what we want to achieve in life or our main goal.

7. No passion – If you do not have desire certainly you will not achieve your goals. The heart is very important in any struggles to success.

Here are some inspiring words from Edward de Bono of Innovation and Creative Thinking Guru:

“If you are not big enough to lose, you are not big enough to win.”

“There are defeats more triumphant than victories.

“The only real failure in life is the failure to try.”

“And how often do we have to be reminded that, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”

Related links that inspired me:

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Heartbreaks : Parting Time

Parting Time

It is so painful to a relationship to end up especially if you had already plans in life. The most difficult part is how the broken heart heals if along the way you still think about the times that both of you shared through thick and thin. Sometimes you need to decide for the betterment of both of you. Everything heals but the only one could answer when is through time. The common question about parting time is how it happened. There are lots of possibilities and mostly it is about incompatibility issue. You have different plans and point of views in life. Good chemistry is one of the important things that both of you need as well.

The secret ingredient in a relationship is management on how your relationship grows. Sometimes you have plans that do not align on how to keep quality time with your partner. There will come a time that both of you find into a situation that you both looking for something that is lacking in a relationship. You want to save the relationship but really seems will not work.

If you cannot save the relationship anymore the good thing to know is how to mend the broken heart. Do you need to forget the good times you both shared? Certainly you will not forget those things since it became part of your life. We always grow to become stronger and that is the purpose of our existence on earth. We need to learn for all the experiences that we had in life. Experience is the best teacher and sometimes it becomes so painful and hard to move on after a failed relationship. When we are young we have heard about failed relationship but we really cannot understand it yet until we actually experienced it.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Division of Faith and Science

It is believed that all lifeforms on Earth had started from one-celled earthling such as bacteria which is susceptible to heat. It started out from hot water which now we considered oceans, seas, and lakes. Some creatures crawled to the ground and created its habitat and through years in time it became plants, birds, apes, and humans as per Darwin's Theory.

In my point of view I believe God was behind of all these things. Sometimes it is hard to imagine without concrete scientific evidence but we must bear in mind that the true definition of faith comes from our strong belief of existence without scientific basis or explanation. There are some atheist scientists that now believe in God. I would like to stress out that there might be a division between science and our belief.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

How To Make Interesting Topics for My Articles?

Depending on your mood you can create your interesting subjects for your articles. Do not think that it is hard to create one. You need to start it and plan what would you like to share for the benefit of the readers. You can never go wrong if you could support your articles through your research. Nowadays there are lots of ways to support what you write. You can open books such as encyclopedia, dictionaries, newspapers, and of course the internet. First, you need to think about what interest you. Do not think of topic of discussion that you may think that most of the people talk about but you do not have the passion to write about that thing. Make an outline if you feel if it is needed and make it organized by putting some sub-topics. Here are some tips for you in creating a good article:
1. Think about something that you are interested to impart to others.
2. Qualify your topic. What would be the good thing that a reader could get out of my topic?
3. Do not write because you are forced to write. It would be better not to if you do not feel comfortable to write at that moment.
4. Make a draft of your articles. You can use the open-source document format or the MSWord file in order to check your grammar and spellings. If you are unsure about the spelling you may take softcopy or hardcopy of dictionaries that will serve as your reference. Check the definition if you have doubts about the meaning of the terms you use on your article.
5. Do not just write as I mentioned. Make sure that you are expressing what you really want to share to the readers in a proper way. You do not need those impressive terms. Make your articles as simple as possible. Your objective must be understandable by all types of readers as possible (educated or not so-well educated) otherwise if you just want to share to highly educated readers only.

6. Check the content of your article paragraph by paragraph. Make sure that the particular paragraph refers to one thought only. Do not worry even if you have made thousands of words content and if you do not feel good about it then do not publish.
7. Every sentence it should be strong as possible. Depending on your topic, make sure that your credibility as a writer will be established if you taking all your articles seriously.
8. You should be aligned to your topic. If your article is getting out of your topic you must need to pull it to the subject matter.
9. Ask yourself about the benefit that the readers could get from your article before you broadcast it. Can the readers be equipped with knowledge right after reading your articles? Have they become different person after getting what you would like to impart to them?
10. It would be better to be short and simple but full of thoughts and knowledge that they could get from your article than making more articles or very long paragraph but without the right thought. Quality is still best than quantity. Do not just write for the sake of updating your blog content using pinging service.
11. You must think about any interesting topics that you can discuss over your article.
12. Seek advice from your true friends or those critics about your blog. Do not be hurt if they criticize it, just improve your writing based on what they advised you. Do not just rely on one or two persons.
13. Support your articles with some relevant illustrations or photographs (video as well, if necessary).
14. Beware not to copy anyone's article. Get some points from other writers but not to the extent that you are copying their whole ideas or concepts. By observing this, you keep yourself from infringing the laws about copyrights. Same as this do not just copy and paste some of the pictures over the internet to support your article. There are lots of free images or buy thousand of images for just almost $10.
15. It would be better if you can have your own original images using your latest camera in taking some pictures of the subject matter.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Death of the Superstar

It was so sudden and surprising to know that Michael Jackson has died at very young age. For all of his fans it was really shocking to know that the great artist will never come back on stage to perform. Worldwide fans have mourned over his death. He was just 50 years old who supposed to be turning 51 when a drug had claimed his life. Remembering him as a man with great talents. Mostly in his concerts he amazed all of his fans. I would say Michael Jackson is considered as one of the greatest artist of all times. There are lots of stars who idolized him. Michael Jackson will always be remembered as performing artist and not with those bad news that had shaken his career with the alleged child molestations.Mr. Jackson had a heart for the children and as you may go singing together with his some songs it is about the children and world peace.

Truly he had left us his legacy through his music and nobody could reach what he had reached. Even his life has gone far away from us we still remember him through his songs and great moves.Perhaps in this life if we are doing great things and we have already served our purpose then it might be the time for us to go.We are still living and seeking for our purpose here in this world and I believe everything is not coincidence there is a purpose behind why all these things happened. Like for Michael Jackson, his purpose that left his legacy to us is truly worthwhile. At his young age we have been showered with joy and not just entertainment but by realizing as well that the life here on Earth is just temporary. Even great people regardless of status in life can be equated to an ordinary individuals that in conclusion everybody has ending.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Do You Have Erectile Dysfunction?

Warning! : This Article Is Not For Minors Below 18 Years Old Please Better Watch GI Joe!

This topic may be considered by others a bit offensive. Let's face the fact and we need to share our thoughts about this topic to help those men to stand out and share!

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability of a man to have or maintain erection especially during the sexual intercourse. Guys with ED can still have an ability to have orgasm which mean it is only limited to erection issue.

Why I raise this topic is simply because I feel the symptoms of ED and I would like to gather information, and share things about what I know as well. I am inviting those medical practitioners who specialize on this issue to help the readers and those who participate on this topic.

Over 100 million men worldwide with the age from 40 years old and above have ED. Study shows that a man with diabetes is more prone to ED.

This is very alarming! Even those men below 40 years old could have this problem.

Please make serious comments and suggestions before your
life partner find another man!

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